Monkfish with a ragout of Mussels


Serves 4 portions

Fillet of Monkfish (skin and bone removed) 500 grm
Fresh Mussels (washed and cleaned with beards removed) 0.5 kilo
Lemon grass (bruised and cut in half) 1 stick
Fresh ginger (finely chopped) 50 grm
Small red chilli 1
Green lime 1
Whipping cream 150 ml
Small bunch of Chervil 1
Salt and pepper
Pinch of saffron 1
Butter 50 grm
Olive oil 2 tbsp


1. Pat the tail dry and season

2. Add the oil and butter to a heavy based pan and heat

3. Add the monkfish and quickly lightly brown all over then turn
down the heat and cook gently, when ready remove and keep warm.

4. Add the mussels to the pan, increase the heat and stir well

5. Add the lemon grass and ginger and stir well.

6. Add the chilli and saffron and cook a little before adding the cream
and cook until the mussels are open, then add the chopped chervil
and a squeeze of lime

7. When ready remove the mussels, reduce the sauce until it coats the
back of a spoon.

8. to serve place the mussels into a warm pot and the tail alongside.
Add the caviar to the sauce and coat over the monkfish tail.

Chef Daniel Galmiche

Born in Lure in the Comte region of Eastern France, Daniel has an
intensity, passion and fiery ambition that without doubt makes
him "the champion of classic cooking".

Daniel draws upon his illustrious experience and blends it with
intense passion to share his love of food and authentic French cooking.
His career has taken him all over the world including Sweden,
Portugal, and Singapore whilst In London he worked at the highly
acclaimed Le Gavroche under the tutelage of Michel Roux. Then in
the two star restaurant Schillinger in Colmar, a spell in three star Marc
Meneau in Veselay, and two star Hostellerie du Chateau Servin.
In 2009 Daniel became the executive head chef of the famous 5 star
Relais et Chateau at The Vineyard at Stockcross obtaining a Michelin
star in the process.

He is currently an ambassador for Norwegian Seafood council,
representing Fjord trout.

In addition to this he also consults for the GORE hotel that is part of
the italian group Star hotels.

He is a regular guest chef on BBC 1’s Saturday Kitchen and his first
book, “The French Brasserie Cookbook”, published in 2011, is now
selling in 11 countries and in 5 languages.

His latest book, Revolutionary French Cooking was published in